喷洒 Spraying运施两用车 Spreader truck
标准骨粉 Stable bone meal
厩 Stable manure
厩帣G Stable water"
正牌 Standard brands
标准肥料 Standard fertilizer
促长液 Starter soluion
斯塔斯富产钾盐 Stassfurt potash salt
蒸制细骨粉 Steamed bone flour
斯氏混合器 Stedman mixer
司氏法 Stengal process
间接肥料,刺激肥料 Stimulant fertilizer,Indirect fertilizer
刺激剂 Stnnuant
单元肥料 Straigts,Single fertilizer
薛氏挖料包装机 Strtevant excavating and bagging
副产硫酸钙 Stucco
薛氏化成窖 Sturtevant excavating and bagging machine
硫酸铵 Sulfate of ammonia ,Ammonium sulfate
硫酸钾 Sulfate of potash ,Potassium sulfate
硫酸钾镁 Sulfate of potash -mag-nesia
硫酸钙偏磷酸钙错盐 Sulfate-metaphosphate comples
硫酸硝酸法 Sulfo-nitric prccess
硫酸 Sulfuric acid
过磷酸钙 Super ,Calcium super-phosphate
蒸制废肉渣 Supernite,process tandage
过磷酸钙 Superphosphate ,Cal-cium super phosphate
过磷酸 Superphosphoric acid
含钠熔磷肥 Supertomasyna
碱性熔磷肥 Supra-phosphate
表面活化剂 Surfactant
瑞典式挖料机 Svenska excavator
瑞典三叶草 Swedish clover ,Alsike clover
甜三叶草 Sweet clover
减轻酸度 Sweetening
钾盐 Sylvine Sylvite
钾石盐,钾钠盐 Sylvinite
共生性 Symbiotic
钾石膏 Syngenite
合成铵 Synthetic ammonia
合成氧化镁 Synthetic magnesia