地面通信系统 terrestrial communication system地文定位 terrestrial fix {= TF}
地面无线电通信 terrestrial radiocommunication
地球球体 terrestrial sphere
地面电台 terrestrial station
领水 territorial waters
救生艇试验 test for lifeboat
试验报告 test report
操舵装置试验 test the steering gear
试验台试验 testing-bed test
一次力矩补偿器 the first order moment compensator
二次力矩补偿器 the second order moment compensator
误差理论 theory of errors
保温[货]柜 thermal container
热潜变 thermal creep
热电式空调器 thermal electric type air conditioner
热电动势 thermo electromotive force
热稳定性 thermostability
温度调节器 thermostat regulator
理论热循环 theroetical heat cycle
厚壁 thick wall
测厚 thickness measuring
薄膜蒸发 thin film evaporation
稀燃油 thin fuel oil
薄壁 thin wall
薄壁轴承 thin wall bearing
薄壁结构 thin-walled structure
第三代柴油机 third generation engine
三字母信号码 three letter signal code
三线圈法 three-figure method
三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system
三相变流机;三相反相器 three-phase inverter
三脚插塞 three-pin plug
三位四通方向控制阀 three-position four way directional control valve
三拐曲轴 three-thrown crank shaft
三股油麻绳填料 three-yarn nettle stuff
阈系数 threshold factor
联运货 through transport cargo
抛出;脱开 throw out
闪电 thunderlight
闸流体换流器;闸流体换流组 thyristor converter set
闸流体励磁系统 thyristor excited system