操舵试验 steering test顶潮航行 stem the tide
分段输入 step input
逐步 step-by-step
无段 stepless
无段调速 stepless speed regulation
阶段活塞;塔形活塞 stepped piston
艉向后倒缆 stern aft spring
艉轴承 stern bearing
艉横缆 stern breast
艉门 stern door
艉向前倒缆 stern forward spring
艉门跳板;艉斜道 stern ramp
尾拖网 stern trawl
艉轴管润滑油 stern tube lubricating oil
艉轴管轴封油泵 stern tube sealing oil pump
艉轴管填料函 stern tube stuffing box
刚性;抗挠性;劲度 stiffness
停船性能 stopping ability
停船试验 stopping test
仓储费 storage charge
储存转发;暂存再送 store and forward
物料单;司多单 stores list
装载种类 stowage category
储放卷盘 stowage reel
现场矫直 straightened up in place
直通式锅炉 straight-through boilor
应变计测感器 strain-gauge transducer
捷联式惯性导航系统 strapdown inertial navigation system
狭长流冰 stream ice
流线型舵 streamline rudder
触礁 strike on a rock
闪光灯 strobe light
构件 structural member
分区协调人 sub-area co-ordinator
分航道 sub-channel
主题显示之形式 subject indication type
主题标识符 subject indicator character
潜艇下潜 submarine diving
潜艇操纵 submarine handling
潜航 submarine navigation
潜艇急潜 submarine quick diving