速度降 speed drop速度误差校正器 speed error corrector
速度误差表 speed error table
失速 speed loss
泛水速度 speed of flooding
速度稳定时间 speed recovery time
调速特性 speed regulating characteristic
调速阀 speed regulating valve
梯列控制调速 speed regulation by cascade control
恒功率调速 speed regulation by constant power
恒转矩调速 speed regulation by constant torque
磁场控制调速 speed regulation by field control
变频调速 speed regulation by frequency variation
变极调速 speed regulation by pole changing
速度设定值 speed setting value
测速场 speed trial ground
快速性 speedability
地球椭球体 spheroid of earth
溢出 spilling
信号漏失 spill-over signal
溢流阀式喷射泵 spill-valve injection pump
蜗线;蜗旋 spiral
蜗旋试验 spiral test
防溅板 splash plate
拼合式 split type
拼合轴燃气涡轮机 split-shaft gas turbine
海绵 sponge
喷洒蒸发冷凝器 spray evaporative condenser
喷雾式热交换器 spray type heat exchanger
扩散频谱信号 spread spectrum signal
钢麻合捻索 spring lay rope
锐变层 spring layer
喷[水]头 sprinkler
喷水装置 sprinkler installation
方型艉 square cut stern
艉坐 squat
鱿鱼钓机 squid angling machine
鼠笼式电动机 squirrel-cage motor
稳度基准数 stability criterion numeral
稳度力臂 stability lever
稳度力矩 stability moment
稳定控制 stabilization control