风阻力矩 moment of wind resistance每公分俯仰差力矩 moment to change trim per centimeter
动量理论 momentum theory
监测 monitoring
监测屏 monitoring panel
每月检查 monthly inspection
月出 moon rise
月没 moon set
月视运动 moon‘s apparent motion
装有电报或电话通信之系泊浮筒 mooring buoy with telephonic or telegraphic communications
系泊绞盘 mooring capstan
艏艉碇泊 mooring head and stern
系泊作业管理 mooring operating mode management
双锚系泊;一字锚泊 mooring to two anchors
晨雾 morning fog
穆尔斯码雾号 Morse code fog signal
抵押登记 mortgage registration
最惠国待遇 most favored nation treatment {= MFNT}
最可能船位 most probable position {= MPP}
最高有效位 most significant bit {= MSB}
阴时多云 mostly covered
晴时多云 mostly open
马达转速误差 motor revolution error
装配件 mounting fittings
止脱绳;止脱结 mousing
动配合 movable fit
脱钩 movable relieving hook
沙包 movable sand heap
移重式稳定器 moving-weight stabilizer
攻泥器 mud penetrator
多波束测深系统 multi-beam sounding system
多浮筒系泊 multi-buoy mooring
多进口脉冲转换器系统 multi-entry pulse converter system
多式联运载货证券 multimodal transport bill of lading
多式联运经营人 multimodal transport operator
多式联运 multimodal transportation
多[路]径误差 multipath error
多[路]径传播 multipath propagation
多功能打桩架 multiple pile driven tower
多级闪蒸发 multiple-stage flash evaporation
多点系泊系统 multi-point mooring system
多脉搏型链 multi-pulse mode chain {= MP mode chain}