闰月 leap month闰秒 leap second
最低有效位 least significant bit
平离 leaving bodily
艏先离 leaving bow first
艉先离 leaving stern first
离码头 leaving wharf
下风舵 lee helm
风压差及漂流角 leeway and drift angle
风压差角 leeway angle
风压差系数 leeway coefficient
左翼船舰 left flank ship
左旋圆形极化 left-hand circular polarization {= LHCP}
左向旋转;逆时针旋转 left-hand rotation
左旋柴油机 left-hand rotation diesel engine
左转 left-hand turning
法定时 legal time
最后合法航程 legitimate last voyage
队形长度 length of formation
拖带长度 length of tow
卫星陆地电台划时多任务频道 LES TDM channel
拼车货 less than truck load {= LTL}
抛锚 let go anchor
字母拼音 letter pronunciation
平整冰 level ice
责任层级 level of responsibility
水平测量 leveling survey
形状稳度力臂 lever of form stability
重量稳度力臂 lever of weight stability
拖带责任 liability of towage
许可偏航条款 liberty to deviate clause
维生系统 life support system
救生艇用罗经 lifeboat compass
升力 lift force
吊式舱盖 lift hatch cover
吊上吊下;吊装 lift on/lift off
航标起重机 light buoy crane
轻压配合 light press fit
灯光射程 light range
船形灯标;浮灯标 light-float
灯诱围网 light-purse seine
铁梨木轴承 lignum vitae bearing