输入轴 input axis近岸通航区 inshore traffic zone
内线航道 inside passage
登轮检查 inspection by boarding
公证检定 inspection by notary public
舱室检查 inspection of chamber
货舱检查 inspection of hold
包装检查 inspection of package
港口国管制检查 inspection of port state contro
鼠迹检查 inspection of rat evidence
液舱柜检查 inspection of tank
重量检定 inspection of weight
货损检查 inspection on hatch and/or cargo
油份瞬间排泄率 instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content
瞬时状态 instantaneous state
指令译码器 instruction decoder
不沈性 insubmersibility
绝热柜 insulating container
保险索赔 insurance claim
积分调整器 integral regulator
共轴发电机 integral shaft generator
组合驳船 integrated barge
组合驳船队 integrated barge train
整合模式 integrated mode
整合导航系统 integrated navigation system
积分回转仪 integrating gyroscope
整合及测试 integration and test
完整水密 integrity of the watertightness; watertight integrity
智能型避碰系统 intelligent collision avoidance system
号灯照明强度 intensity of lights
船间相互作用 interaction between ships
顶距差法;高度差法 intercept method
可互换配件 interchangeable parts
电话对讲机组 intercommunication telephone set
界面;界面 interface
长短大圆信号干扰 interference between longer and shorter circle path signals
岸电联锁保护 interlock protection of shore power connection
中间壳体 intermediate casing
中间燃油 intermediate fuel oil
大圆中分点 intermediate point of great circle
装于舱内设备 internal mounted equipment
内功率 internal power