重货起重机 heavy lift derrick cargo winch重大件货条款 heavy lifts and awkward clause
暴风雨 heavy rainstorms
恶劣气候航行作业模式管理 heavy weather navigation operating mode management
百帕[斯卡] hectopascal
倾侧角 heeling angle
倾侧自差 heeling deviation
倾差仪 heeling error instrument
剩余高度;净空高度 height clearance
高度差;潮高差 height difference
浮心高 height of center of buoyancy
重心高 height of center of gravity
眼高 height of eye
合成波高 height of wave and swell combined
潮高比 height rate
旋流泵 helical flow pump
直升机救生环索 helicopter rescue strop
量日仪 heliometer
封密甲板阀 hermetic deck valve
全封闭冷冻压缩机 hermetically sealed refrigerating compressor unit
高频通信;短波通信 HF communication
层次分析 hierachical analysis
传真存转系统 Hi-Fax system
高灯芯浮标;大型浮标 high focal plane buoy
高抓着力锚 high holding power anchor
高精准定位系统 high precision positioning system
高速艇;高速船 high speed craft
高速柴油机 high speed diesel engine
高速诱导空调系统 high velocity induction air conditioning system
高架索补给装置 highline rig
高线绞机 highline winch
船舶租赁 hiring of ship
航海史 history of marine navigation; nautical history
吊升信号 hoisting signal
起吊索具 hoisting sling
目前挽住;拉平各缆 hold what you‘ve got
锚抓着力 holding power of anchor
链抓着力 holding power of chain
空心顶推船队 hollow center pusher train
返航;回航 homeward voyage
归航信号;导向信号 homing signal
均质机 homogenizer