密码 cipher圆形概差 circular error probable
圆频率 circular frequency
回转监视器 circular monitor
圆极化 circular polarization
圆度 circularity
循环柜 circulating tank
环流水槽 circulating water channel
循环水率 circulating water ratio
环流理论 circulation theory
缆绳周长 circumference of rope
环航 circum-navigation
救助求偿 claim for salvage
发射等级 class of emission
分级卸载保护 classification unload protection
清洁压舱水泵 clean ballast pump
油轮海洋清洁指南 clean seas guide for oil tankers
旋转窗口 clean view screen
出水 clear of water
净区 clear zone
离泊 clearing from alongside; unberthing
离浮筒 clearing from buoy
解锚链 clearing hawse
气候航路 climate routing
顺时针旋转 clock-wise rotation
迎风 close haul
密集块冰 close pack ice
彼此接近 close quarters situation
紧转配合 close running fit
封密加压燃油系统 closed and pressured fuel system
封闭货柜 closed container
闭式冷却系统 closed cooling system
闭杯法试验 closed cup test
闭路网络 closed network
闭路用户组;群内通信 closed user group
死循环系统 closed-loop system
闭式液压系统 closed-type hydraulic system
靠近加油装置 close-in fueling rig
最接近点 closest point of approach {= CPA}
封缸 closing cylinder; decoupling of cylinder
会合操船 closing to meeting maneuver
粗校准 coarse alignment