防染印花糊 resist paste防染印花 resist printing
防染印花糊 resist printing paste
防染印花法 resist printing process
防油污 resist soiling
防染式样 resist style
电阻耦合 resistance coupling
电阻加热 resistance heating
阻力矩 resistance moment
电阻温度计 resistance thermometer
抗摩擦性,耐磨损性 resistance to abrasion
抗老化性 resistance to ageing
抗碱性 resistance to alkali
抗菌性 resistance to bacteria
抗弯曲性 resistance to bending
抗漂白性 resistance to bleaching
抗渗色性,抗渗化性 resistance to bleeding
抗断裂性 resistance to breakage
抗碳化性 resistance to carbonizing
抗化学药剂性 resistance to chemicals
抗氯性 resistance to chlorine
耐寒性 resistance to cold weather
抗皱性 resistance to creasing
抗皱性 resistance to crushing
耐损害 resistance to damage
耐干洗性 resistance to dry cleaning
耐疲劳性 resistance to fatigue
抗缩绒性 resistance to felting
抗烟熏褪色性 resistance to fume fading
抗气体褪色性 resistance to gas fading
抗热性 resistance to heat
抗蛀性 resistance to insects
抗日旋光性 resistance to light
抗消石灰性 resistance to lime
抗霉性 resistance to mildew
抗氧化性 resistance to oxidation
抗腐蚀性 resistance to rot
抗摩擦性 resistance to rubbing
抗收缩性 resistance to shrinkage
耐污性 resistance to soiling
耐蒸热性 resistance to steam heat
抗菌性 resistance to sterilization