最高速率 maximun speed最大值 maximun value
马克斯威尔模型 Maxwell model
梅沃斜纹 Mayo twill
五极编织机 Maypole braider
马克斯威尔定律 Mazwell‘s law
弱缩绒 meagre
模糊印花或染色外观(印染瑕疵) mealy
平均活性度 mean activity
平均纤维长度 mean fibre length
平均自由路径 mean free path
平均纤维长度 mean staple length
平均值 mean value
乙醇胺亚硫酸盐 MEAS(monoethanol amine sulphite)
量度 measure
量长验布机,码布验布机 measuring and examining machine
码布折布机 measuring and folding machine
码布刷浆机 measuring and pasting machine
定长自停装置 measuring and stop motion
测量指示盘 measuring clock
量筒 measuring cylinder
测量装置 measuring device
测长指示盘 measuring disk
量瓶 measuring flask
测量方法 measuring method
测量装置 measuring motion
测量管 measuring pibette
测量辊,准则轴 measuring roller
皮尺 measuring tape
测量轮,计量轮 measuring wheel
纯净棉 meaty cotton
机械制动 mechanical brake
机械制振 mechanical damping
机械变形 mechanical deformation
机械劣化性 mechanical deterioration properties
机械装置 mechanical device
机械分散 mechanical dispersion
机械牵伸 mechanical draft
机械驱动装置 mechanical drive
机械整理加工 mechanical finishing
机械植毛 mechanical flocking
机械式混拌机 mechanical mixer