精梳纱 combed yarn精梳机 comber
目板 comber board
精梳棉卷 comber laps
精梳棉绸 comber web
连裤汗衫 combination
混合成形装置 combination builder
联合上浆机 combination dresser
混合斜纹 combination steep twill
混合穿吊法 combination tie-up
混合纤丝纱 combination yarn
联合漂白 combined bleach
混合穿综 combined drafting
积层织物 combined fabric
混纤丝;混纤纱 combined filament yarn
混合式综丝和吊综法 combined heald and harness
冷热压呢联合机 combined hot and cold pressing
钢芯线索 combined rope
洗呢缩呢联合机 combined scouring and milling
混合斜纹,复合斜纹 combined twills
羊毛洗烘联合机 combined wool washing and drying machine
精梳,梳理 combing
梳毛油,和毛油 combing oil
精梳罗拉;精梳辊 combing roller
精梳棉条 combing sliver
精梳棉网迭合法 combing stitching
胶合,层压 combinging
条格披巾 comboys
可燃性 combustibility
燃烧 combustion
垫褥,被头 comfort
伸缩织物 comfort stretch
棉被 comforter
合捻纱 co-mingled yarn
商业回升率 commercial allowance
商业质量 commercial mass
商业公定回潮率 commercial moisture regain
商业公定重量 commercial weight
代工染色厂 commission dyer
代工整理厂 commission finisher
代工印花厂 commission printer
硫酸铝钾,钾矾,明矾 common alum