称重作业 weighting operation加权传播 weighting propagation
秤 weighting scale
称重支刀 weight-knife
称量计 weightometer
度量衡;权度 weights and measures
度量衡法;权度法 weights and measures law
坝;堰 weir
溢流法 weir method
韦斯磁子 Weiss magneton
井式计数器 well-type counter
井型电(游)离室 well-type ionization chamber
韦斯顿标准电池 Weston‘s standard cell
湿空气 wet air
湿分析 wet analysis
干湿球湿度计 wet- and dry-bulb hygrometer
湿气 wet gas
湿式气体流量计;湿式瓦斯表 wet gas meter
湿重量 wet weight
湿球温度计 wet-bulb thermometer
墨水笔 wet-ink pen
[可]湿性 wettabiltity
湿周围 wetted periphery
惠斯登电桥 Wheatstone bridge
惠斯登网路 Wheatstone network
旋转干湿计 whirling psychrometer
旋转温度计 whirling thermometer
白调频 white frequency modulation
白光源 white illuminant
白光 white light
白光全像片 white light hologram
白光斑点 white light speckle
白杂讯 white noise
白杂讯测试器 white noise test set
白体 white object
白相位杂讯 white phase noise
白虹 white rainbow
白[度]反射比标准 white reflectance standard
白[色]度 whiteness
白度指数 whiteness index
惠氏螺距{英制螺级55˚} Whitworth screw pitch
惠氏螺纹量规 Whitworth screw thread gauge