折射率 specific refraction电阻率 specific resistance
比旋光[度] specific rotation
旋光本领[度] specific rotatory power
比饱和磁化强度 specific saturation magnetization
比磁化率 specific susceptibility
比汽化热 specific vaporization heat
比黏度 specific viscosity
比体积;容积比;比容 specific volume
比重 specific weight
规格;规范 specification
规格极限 specification limit
规格标准 specification standards
比重瓶 specific-gravity bottle
比重标度 specific-gravity scale
规定条件 specified conditions
规定电流 specified current
饱和比热容[量] specified heat capacity at saturation
规定量测范围 specified measuring range
规定操作范围 specified operating range
指定位置 specified position
规定;表示 specify
试样 specimen
试样加热器 specimen heater
斑点干涉术 speckle interferometry
光斑图形 speckle pattern
斑点照相术 speckle photography
斑点尺寸 speckle size
斑点剪切(错位)干涉术 speckle-shearing interferometry
吸收比谱;吸收率谱 spectral absorptance
吸收因子 spectral absorption factor
[光]谱分析 spectral analysis
角截面谱 spectral angular cross section
亮度谱 spectral brightness
[光]谱矩心 spectral centroid
[光]谱色 spectral color
[光]谱分量 spectral component
[光]谱(组)分 spectral composition
[光]谱密集度;浓度谱 spectral concentration
辐射能密度的密集度谱 spectral concentration of radiant energy density
辐射通量的密集度谱分布 spectral concentration of radiant flux
振动模的密集度谱分布 spectral concentration of vibration mode