偏移 bias
工料清单 bill of quantities
黏合料 binder
钻头 bit
沥青 bitumen
沥青外搪层;沥青外衬 bitumen coating
沥青纸 bitumen felt
沥青内搪层;沥青衬里 bitumen lining
沥青混凝土 bituminous concrete
沥青碎石 bituminous macadam
沥青防水膜 bituminous waterproof membrane
剪刀;叶片 blade
工料清单 bill of quantities
黏合料 binder
钻头 bit
沥青 bitumen
沥青外搪层;沥青外衬 bitumen coating
沥青纸 bitumen felt
沥青内搪层;沥青衬里 bitumen lining
沥青混凝土 bituminous concrete
沥青碎石 bituminous macadam
沥青防水膜 bituminous waterproof membrane
剪刀;叶片 blade
盲板法兰;盲板凸缘;管口盖板 blank flange
封板 blanking plate
鼓风炉 blast-furnace
炉渣水泥 blast-furnace slag cement
爆石;爆破 blasting
放气嘴;减压嘴 bleed nipple
溢流管 bleed off pipe
放气螺钉;减压螺钉 bleed screw
泌浆(混凝土);泌水性(混凝土) bleeding
混合水泥 blended cement
混合控制 blending control
补路石砂;(填充表面孔隙的细石) blinding
楼宇平面图 block plan
放水;放气 blow down
放泄阀;排水阀 blow down valve
吹风机;鼓风机 blower
绕线管 bobbin
转向架 bogie
锅炉房 boiler room
沸点 boiling point
护柱;系船柱 bollard
安全岛指示灯 bollard light
护柱柱基;护柱基座 bollard plinth
承枕;横撑 bolster
螺栓 bolt
黏结;黏合;契约 bond
黏合层 bond coat
黏合强度 bond strength
黏合应力 bond stress
吊杆 boom