钢铁工程 steel work
吊秤 steelyard
砖衬 steening
险升坡 steep ascent
陡坡 steep gradient
陡坡 steep pitch
陡屋顶 steep roof
陡坡 steep slope
浸湿砖 steeping brick
尖塔 steeple
尖头铆钉 steeple-head rivet
尖锐度 ,陡度 steepness
吊秤 steelyard
砖衬 steening
险升坡 steep ascent
陡坡 steep gradient
陡坡 steep pitch
陡屋顶 steep roof
陡坡 steep slope
浸湿砖 steeping brick
尖塔 steeple
尖头铆钉 steeple-head rivet
尖锐度 ,陡度 steepness
边坡陡度 steepness of slope
统舱 ,操舵 steerage
转向齿轮 steering gear
驾驶盘 ,舵轮 steering wheel
铭钴合金钢 stellite
船首,干 ,叶梗 stem
株流 stem flow
梁腹 stem of beam
封闭 ,堵塞 stemming
存水弯 stench trap
型板 stencil
型板 stencil plate
踏步 ,阶梯级 step
分段曝气 step aeration
逐步设计 step by step design
铁爬梯 step iron
逐近法 step iteration method
阶式接头 ,齿式接合 step joint
梯 step ladder
逐步法 ,阶段法 step method
斜切轨条 step rail
阶段抵抗波浪计 step resistance type wave guage
平台形海滩 step type beach
阶形桥台 stepped abutment
阶形拱 stepped arch
阶形反水 stepped flashing
阶式底脚 stepped footing
阶式基础 stepped foundation
阶式山墙 stepped gable
阶式滑轮 stepped pulley