稳度 、稳定 stability
抗压稳定度 stability against crushing
抗翻稳定度 stability against overturning
抗滑稳定度 stability against sliding
稳定系数 stability coefficient
稳定情形 stability condition
稳定因子 stability factor
稳定检讨 stability investigation
稳定数 stability number
团粒稳定度 stability of aggregation
渠槽稳定 stability of channel
漂浮稳度 stability of flotation
抗压稳定度 stability against crushing
抗翻稳定度 stability against overturning
抗滑稳定度 stability against sliding
稳定系数 stability coefficient
稳定情形 stability condition
稳定因子 stability factor
稳定检讨 stability investigation
稳定数 stability number
团粒稳定度 stability of aggregation
渠槽稳定 stability of channel
漂浮稳度 stability of flotation
稳度试验 stability test
稳定处理 stabilization
氧化池 ,稳定池 stabilization pond
稳定试验 stabilization test
稳定土路 stabilized earth road
稳定砾石路面 stabilized gravel surface
稳定土壤 stabilized soil
稳定土路 stabilized soil road
稳定路基 stabilized subgrade
稳定剂 stabilizer
稳定剂 stabilizing agent
稳定区 stable area
稳定流出 stable effluent
稳定平衡 stable equilibrium
稳水头流量 stable head discharge
稳定高度 stable height
稳定运动 stable motion
烟囱,竖管 ,烟突 ,木材堆,通风管 stack
书库 stack room
堆积扬 stack yard
积堆干燥法 stacking
堆高机 stacking machine
支柱 ,牵条 ,承架 staddle
视距 、视距尺 stadia
视距圈 stadia circle
视距计算仪 stadia computer
视距常数 stadia constant
视距图 stadia diagram
视距公式 stadia formula
视距丝 stadia hairs