落沉试验 drop test
阶墙 drop wall
上下滑窗 , 隐扯窗 drop window
接户线 drop wire
柱头板 dropped panel
沉降速度 dropping velocity
滴水 drops
泥渣 ,铁渣 dross
旱灾 drought damage
干旱延时 drought duration
干旱频率 drought frequency
阔凿 drove
阶墙 drop wall
上下滑窗 , 隐扯窗 drop window
接户线 drop wire
柱头板 dropped panel
沉降速度 dropping velocity
滴水 drops
泥渣 ,铁渣 dross
旱灾 drought damage
干旱延时 drought duration
干旱频率 drought frequency
阔凿 drove
涧凿 drove chisel
短槽石面 drove finish of stone
短槽敷面 droved dressing
潜坝 drowned dam
熟石灰 drowned lime
沉浸管 drowned pipe
沉浸泵 drowned pump
沉溺谷 drowned valley
淹比 drowning ratio
鼓形柱座,卷筒 ,测鼓 drum
鼓形浮漂 drum buoy
鼓筒平冲重索 drum counterweight rope
鼓形闸门 ,圆闸门 drum gate
测鼓读数 drum reading
鼓饰 drum screen
圆柱形存水弯 drum trap
鼓形混凝土混合机 drum type concrete mixer
鼓型清洗机 drum washer
鼓形闸 drum wicket
干空气 dry air
干湿球湿度计 dry and wet bulb hygrometer
采光井 dry area
干压舱 dry ballast
干电池 dry battery
干海滩 dry beach
干结碎石路 dry bond macadam
干式钻孔 dry boring
干球温度 dry bulb temperature
干球温度计 dry bulb thermometer
干松比重 dry bulk specific gravity