疹 exanthem
疹 exanthema
裸蛹 exarate pupa
过剩 excess
过量代谢 excess metabolism
过湿气 excess moisture
交换 exchange
交换能力 exchange capacity
物质交换 exchange of material
物质交换 exchange of substance
囊盘被 exciple
囊盘被 excipulum
疹 exanthema
裸蛹 exarate pupa
过剩 excess
过量代谢 excess metabolism
过湿气 excess moisture
交换 exchange
交换能力 exchange capacity
物质交换 exchange of material
物质交换 exchange of substance
囊盘被 exciple
囊盘被 excipulum
截除 excision
切补修复 excision repair
截除酶 excisionase
兴奋性 excitability
兴奋性组织 excitable tissue
刺激剂 excitant
激励 excitation
兴奋 收缩连接 excitation contraction coupling
兴奋阈 excitation threshold
激发移动 excitation transfer
兴奋性神经元 excitatory neuron
兴奋性突触后电位 excitatory postsynaptic potential
兴奋性物质 excitatory substance
激发态 excited condition
激发态 excited state
刺激电极 exciting electrode
激子 exciton
排阻色谱法 exclusion chromatography
确限度 exclusiveness
接合后体 exconjugant
粪便 excrement
瘤 excrescence
排泄物 excreta
排泄管 excreting duct
排泄 excretion
排泄的 excretory
排泄囊 excretory bladder
排泄器 excretory organ
排泄孔 excretory pore
分必 excrisis