兵器系统的通信系统 WSCS? Weapon System Communication System?
环球网服务器指挥仪 WSD? Web Server Director?
工作站功能 WSF? WorkStation Function?
晶片规模集成电路 WSI? Wafer Scale Integration?
环球网标准规划联盟(总部在美国波士顿) WSP? Web Standards Project?
兵器系统的计划办公室 WSPO? Weapon System Project Office?
宽屏幕信号标准 WSS? Wide Screen Signaling?
等待时间 WT? Wait Time?
等待 WT? WaiT?
波表合成技术 WT? WaveTable?
加权,重量 WT? WeighT?
无线电报 WT? Wireless Telegraphy?
环球网服务器指挥仪 WSD? Web Server Director?
工作站功能 WSF? WorkStation Function?
晶片规模集成电路 WSI? Wafer Scale Integration?
环球网标准规划联盟(总部在美国波士顿) WSP? Web Standards Project?
兵器系统的计划办公室 WSPO? Weapon System Project Office?
宽屏幕信号标准 WSS? Wide Screen Signaling?
等待时间 WT? Wait Time?
等待 WT? WaiT?
波表合成技术 WT? WaveTable?
加权,重量 WT? WeighT?
无线电报 WT? Wireless Telegraphy?
无线电话制造 WT? Wireless Telephony?
字终端 WT? Word Terminal?
运行的磁带 WT? Working Tape?
“赢者独吞” WTA? Winner – Take – All?
无线电报通信 WTC? Wireless Telegraph Communication?
无线电报定向(仪) WTDF? Wireless Telegraph Direction Finding(-er)?
波顶家用电脑广播网络〖推式电视〗 WTHBN? WaveTop Home PC Broadcast Network?
步话机接口 WTI? Walk and Talk Interface?
“楔入”技术公司(美国,出品电脑主机) WTI? Wedge Technology Inc.?
世界工具包〖软件名〗 WTK? World Tool Kit?
写入日志 WTL? Write To Log?
世界贸易组织 WTO? World Trade Organization?
写给操作员 WTO? Write – To – Operator?
权标佩特里网 WTPN? Weighted Token Petri Met?
西部靶场 WTR? Western Test Range?
无线电报站 WTS? Wireless Telegraph Station?
字终端同步 WTS? Word Terminal Synchronous?
文件何处用过?〖询问字符〗 WUF? Where Used File?
唤醒本地网,网络唤醒〖奔腾主板〗 WUO LAN? Waking Up On LAN?
无线用户房屋设备 WUPE? Wireless User Premises Equipment?
唤醒铃声 WUR? Wake Upon Ring?
唤醒服务 WUS? Wake Up Service?
波长 WVL? WaVe Length?
《风魔道》,《烽火连天》〖游戏名〗 WW? War Wind?
环球网编织组合 WW? Web Weaving?
“视窗” 的工作组服务器(含对等网的网络操作系统,微软开发) WW? Windows for Workgroup?
自行换行 WW? Word Wrap?
环球运输系统 WWB? World – Wide Belt line?
全球信息系统〖因特网〗 WWIS? World Wide Information System?
全球军事指挥与控制系统 WWMCCS? World Wide Military Command and Control System?