威胜电子公司(台湾,出品主板)? VIA Technology?
计算机销售商综合服务数字网协会? VIA? Vendors’ ISDN Association?
万用接口适配器? VIA? Versatile Interface Adapter?
维萨信用卡国际协会? VIA? Visa International Association?
威盛·赛锐思公司(并购后的新名称,在1999年COMDEX上首次使用)见:CDC与CII? VIAC? VIA Cyrix?
语音干扰分析装置? VIAS? Voice Interference Analysis Set?
可变指令计算机? VIC? Variable Instruction Computer?
维萨信用卡交换中心? VIC? Visa Interchange Center?
视觉信息中心(美国哈佛大学)? VIC? Vision Information Center?
来宾识别卡? VIC? Visitor Identified Card?
语音接口卡? VIC? Voice Interface Card?
虚拟综合通信存取法? VICAM? Virtual Integrated Communications Access Method?
计算机销售商综合服务数字网协会? VIA? Vendors’ ISDN Association?
万用接口适配器? VIA? Versatile Interface Adapter?
维萨信用卡国际协会? VIA? Visa International Association?
威盛·赛锐思公司(并购后的新名称,在1999年COMDEX上首次使用)见:CDC与CII? VIAC? VIA Cyrix?
语音干扰分析装置? VIAS? Voice Interference Analysis Set?
可变指令计算机? VIC? Variable Instruction Computer?
维萨信用卡交换中心? VIC? Visa Interchange Center?
视觉信息中心(美国哈佛大学)? VIC? Vision Information Center?
来宾识别卡? VIC? Visitor Identified Card?
语音接口卡? VIC? Voice Interface Card?
虚拟综合通信存取法? VICAM? Virtual Integrated Communications Access Method?
视频图像的交流与检索? VICAR? Video Image Communication And Retrieval?
直观信息控制台? VICC? Visual Information Control Console?
病毒指导代码模拟技术? VICE? Virus Instructional Code Emulator?
卖主标识符? VID? Vender IDentifier?
视频图像显示? VID? Video Image Display?
视频,电视? VID? VIDeo?
虚拟图像显示? VID? Virtual Image Display?
电压标示定义? VID? Voltage Identification Definition?
直观信息显示器和控制器? VIDAC? Visual Information Display And Control?
直观数据捕获? VIDAT? Visual Data Acquisition?
可视信息的显示与控制? VIDC? Visual Information Display and Control?
可视图文系统(英国称Prestel,德国称Bildschismtext,加拿大称Teledem ,日本称Captain ,中国称“图文电视” )〖代号〗? Videotex?
可视信息的显示与检索系统? VIDR? Visual Information Display and Retrieval system?
虚拟信息环境? VIE? Virtual Information Environment?
直观指示器设备? VIE? Visual Indicator Equipment?
虚拟交互式环境工作站? VIEW? Virtual Interactive Environment Workstation?
优派国际〖厂标〗见:USI? ViewSonic?
矢量阻抗轨迹绘图仪? VILP? Vector Impedance Locus Plotter?
销售商独立报文传送(微软的)? VIM? Vendor Independent Messaging?
用于强大客户机 / 服务器的网络操作系统〖软件名〗? Vines?
视频输入 / 输出? VIO? Video Input / Output?
虚拟输入 / 输出? VIO? Virtual Input / Output?
变量信息处理(美国VIP系统公司的检索系统)? VIP? Variable Information Processing?
万用信息处理器? VIP? Versatile Information Processor?
多功能接口处理器? VIP? Versatile Interface Processor?
视频信息提供商? VIP? Video Information Provider?
视频接口处理器? VIP? Video Interface Processor?
虚拟因特网协议? VIP? Virtual IP?
信息与功率显示? VIP? Vision in Information and Power?
可视图像处理器? VIP? Visual Image Processor?