时间分享编程系统,分时编程系统 TSPS? Time Sharing Programming System?
终止驻留程序,内存驻留程序 TSR? Terminate – and – Stay – Resident?
磁轨规格记录 TSR? Track Specification Record?
传送服务重新定 TSR? Transfer Service Redirect?
透明静止路由选择 TSR? Transparent Static Routing?
任务选择串 TSS? Task Selecting Strand?
电信标准部门 TSS? Telecommunication Standardization Sector?
电信交换系统 TSS? Telecommunications Switching System?
电传机转换系统 TSS? Teletype Switching System?
终端安全系统 TSS? Terminal Security System?
时间分享服务,分时服务 TSS? Time – Sharing Service?
时间分享系统,(IBM360)分时系统 TSS? Time – Sharing System?
终止驻留程序,内存驻留程序 TSR? Terminate – and – Stay – Resident?
磁轨规格记录 TSR? Track Specification Record?
传送服务重新定 TSR? Transfer Service Redirect?
透明静止路由选择 TSR? Transparent Static Routing?
任务选择串 TSS? Task Selecting Strand?
电信标准部门 TSS? Telecommunication Standardization Sector?
电信交换系统 TSS? Telecommunications Switching System?
电传机转换系统 TSS? Teletype Switching System?
终端安全系统 TSS? Terminal Security System?
时间分享服务,分时服务 TSS? Time – Sharing Service?
时间分享系统,(IBM360)分时系统 TSS? Time – Sharing System?
长途交换系统 TSS? Toll Switching System?
交易安全系统 TSS? Transaction Security System?
运输业支持系统 TSS? Transportation Support System?
从属状态存储槽 TSS? Tributary Status Slot?
中继线和信令子系统 TSS? Trunk and Signaling Subsystem?
中继线维修系统 TSS? Trunk Servicing System?
“试金石”软件公司(美国,出品反病毒工具) TSSC? TouchStone Software Corp.?
时间-空间-时间 TST? Time – Space – Time?
时间分享终端,分时终端 TST? Time Sharing Terminal?
透明生成树状轮廓图 TSTS? Transparent Spanning Tree Schema?
电信软件 TSW? Tele SoftWare?
疑难解答向导 TSW? Trouble – Shooting Wizards?
时间分享执行程序 TSX? Time Sharing eXecutive?
电话电报 TT? Telephoned Telegraph?
图文电视 TT? TeleText?
电传打字机 TT? teletype?
长途电话单 TT? Toll Ticket?
跟踪望远镜 TT? Tracking Telescope?
事物处理终端 TT? Transaction Terminal?
特立尼达和多巴哥(域名) tt? Trinidad & Tobago?
测试目标阵列 TTA? Test Target Array?
电视剧场 TTA? Theatre Television Authority?
就我所知〖网语〗 TTBOMK? to the best of my knowledge?
桌上计算机,台式计算机 TTC? Table Top Computer?
遥测跟踪和指令 TTC? Telemetry Tracking and Command?
长途电话呼叫 TTC? Telephone Toll Call?
终端长途电话局 TTC? Terminating Toll Center?
跟踪、遥测、控制和监视 TTC&M? Tracking, Telemetry, Control, and Monitoring?
树状图与表格相结合的注释 TTCN? Tree and Tabular Combined Notation?
文本暂时延迟符 TTD? Temporary Text Delay?