令牌环 TR? Token – Ring?
磁道 TR? TRack?
跟踪雷达 TR? Tracking Radar?
通信交往路由 TR? Traffic Route?
瞬态响应 TR? Transient Response?
发射与接收 TR? Transmit and Receiving?
收发两用机 TR? Transmitter – Receiver?
透明路由选择 TR? Transparent Routing?
故障报告 TR? Trouble Report?
中继线中继 TR? Trunk Relay?
委托关系〖网络〗 TR? Trust Relation?
土耳其(域名) tr? Turkey?
磁道 TR? TRack?
跟踪雷达 TR? Tracking Radar?
通信交往路由 TR? Traffic Route?
瞬态响应 TR? Transient Response?
发射与接收 TR? Transmit and Receiving?
收发两用机 TR? Transmitter – Receiver?
透明路由选择 TR? Transparent Routing?
故障报告 TR? Trouble Report?
中继线中继 TR? Trunk Relay?
委托关系〖网络〗 TR? Trust Relation?
土耳其(域名) tr? Turkey?
允许通信交往重新开始 TRA? Traffic – Restart – Allowed?
电文的合计与编译 TRAC? Text Reckoning And Compiling?
长途电话纪录与计算设备 TRACE? Tolls Recording And Computing Equipment?
事物处理控制和编码 TRACE? TRAnsaction Control and Encoding?
交通记录与刑事审判信息系统 TRACIS? Traffic Records And Criminal justice Information System?
贸易数据通信 TRADACOMM? TRAding DAta COMMunication?
分辨和识别目标的实验雷达 TRADEX? Target Resolution And Discrimination EXperiment radar?
晶体管数字计算机 TRADIC? TRAnsistor DIgital Computer?
晶体管化的机载数字计算机 TRADIC? Transistorized Airborne Digital Computer?
印度电信管理局 TRAI? Telecom Regulatory Authority of India?
商标报告与监视 TRAM? Trademark Reporting And Monitoring?
文本信息检索和管理程序系统 TRAMPS? Text information Retrieval And Management Program System?
晶体管化自动计算机 TRANSAC? TRANSistorized Automatic Computer?
翻译程序语言 TRANSLANG? Translator Language?
译码速率适配器单元 TRAU? Transcode Rate Adapter Unit?
带读写库 TRAWL? Tape Read And Write Library?
事物处理处理系统 TRAX? (Transaction Processing System)?
技术报告中心(英国) TRC? Technology Reports Center?
电报重传中心 TRC? Telegram Retransmission Center?
电视转播中心 TRC? Television Relay Center?
令牌环连接 TRC? Token Ring Connection?
播送与接收控制设备 TRC? Transmission and Receive Control equipment?
传送与接收控制器 TRC? Transmission and Reception Controller?
横向冗余复选 TRC? Transverse Redundancy Check?
中继线资源协调器 TRC? Trunk Resource Coordinator?
象征性环网D标准〖网络〗 TRD? Token Ring D?
发送缓冲器就绪 TRDY? TRansmit buffer reaDY?
中凌电脑〖厂标〗 Trend?
调谐射频 TRF? Tuned Radio Frequency?
调谐射频放大器 TRFA? Tuned Radio – Frequency Amplifier?