电传光学投影系统 TOPS? Teletype Optical Projection System?
热电外行星太空船 TOPS? Thermoelectric Outer Planet Spacecraft?
时间共享的操作系统 TOPS? Time – Sharing Operating System?
总操作处理系统 TOPS? Total Operation Processing System?
先验性操作系统 TOPS? Trancendental Operating System?
无线电报 TOR? Telegraph On Radio?
无线传输 TOR? Transmission Over Radio?
面向终端的实时操作系统 TORTOS? Terminal Oriented Real Time Operating System?
磁带操作系统 TOS? Tape Operating System?
时间有序系统 TOS? Time Ordered System?
服务类型,业务类型 TOS? Type Of Service?
东芝科学与商用自动计算机 TOSBAC? Toshiba Scientific and Business Automatic Computer?
热电外行星太空船 TOPS? Thermoelectric Outer Planet Spacecraft?
时间共享的操作系统 TOPS? Time – Sharing Operating System?
总操作处理系统 TOPS? Total Operation Processing System?
先验性操作系统 TOPS? Trancendental Operating System?
无线电报 TOR? Telegraph On Radio?
无线传输 TOR? Transmission Over Radio?
面向终端的实时操作系统 TORTOS? Terminal Oriented Real Time Operating System?
磁带操作系统 TOS? Tape Operating System?
时间有序系统 TOS? Time Ordered System?
服务类型,业务类型 TOS? Type Of Service?
东芝科学与商用自动计算机 TOSBAC? Toshiba Scientific and Business Automatic Computer?
东京芝蒲电气有限公司,东芝电气有限公司(日本) TOSHIBA? TOkyo SHIBAura Electric Co. Ltd.?
面向终端的服务语言 TOSL? Terminal – Oriented Service Language?
东芝数字控制公司 TOSNUC? Toshiba Numeric Control?
面向终端的支持系统 TOSS? Terminal – Oriented Support System?
泰国电话组织 TOT? Telephone Organization of Thailand?
传输时间 TOT? Time Of Transmission?
全体,总数 TOT? TOTal?
技术转让 TOT? Transfer Of Technology?
传送开始时间 TOT? Transfer Open Time?
远程处理在线测试执行程序 TOTE? Teleprocessing On – line Test Executive?
东帝汶(域名) tp? East Timor?
磁带终端打印机 TP? tape Terminal Printer?
远程处理 TP? TeleProcessing?
电视节目 TP? Television Program?
测试程序 TP? Tenting Program?
终端处理器 TP? Terminal Processor?
终端协议 TP? Terminal protocol?
测试位置 TP? Test Position?
时钟脉冲 TP? Time Pulse?
最高优先级 TP? Top Priority?
跟踪程序 TP? Tracking Program?
通信量填充 TP? Traffic Padding?
事务处理 TP? Transaction Processing?
投影胶片 TP? TransParency?
双绞线〖网络〗 TP? Twisted Pair?
磁带脉冲放大器 TPA? Tape Pulse Amplifier?
远程信息处理协议体系结构 TPA? Telematic Protocol Architecture?
传送与宣传代理 TPA? Transfer and Propagation Agent?
可调参数放大器 TPA? Tunable Parametric Amplifier?
远程处理分析和设计程序 TPAD? Teleprocessing Analysis and Design Program?