远程假脱机通信服务 RSCS? Remote Spooling Communication Service?
远程假脱机通信子系统 RSCS? Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem?
遥感数据 RSD? Remotely Sensed Data?
远程站设备 RSE? Remote Station Equipment?
地球资源遥测 RSER? Remote Sensing of Earth Resources?
接收信号单元定时 RSET? Receive Signal Element Timing?
速率信号发生器 RSG? Rate Signal Generator?
“光辉”软件国际公司(美国,出品虚拟现实生成器) RSI? Radiance Software International?
远程服务器接口 RSI? Remote Server Interface?
重复性过度劳累损伤(电脑操作员职业病) RSI? Repetitive Strain Injury?
适当规模集成(电路) RSI? Right Scale Integration?
辐射防护信息中心(美国原子能委员会的) RSIC? Radiation Shielding Information Center?
远程假脱机通信子系统 RSCS? Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem?
遥感数据 RSD? Remotely Sensed Data?
远程站设备 RSE? Remote Station Equipment?
地球资源遥测 RSER? Remote Sensing of Earth Resources?
接收信号单元定时 RSET? Receive Signal Element Timing?
速率信号发生器 RSG? Rate Signal Generator?
“光辉”软件国际公司(美国,出品虚拟现实生成器) RSI? Radiance Software International?
远程服务器接口 RSI? Remote Server Interface?
重复性过度劳累损伤(电脑操作员职业病) RSI? Repetitive Strain Injury?
适当规模集成(电路) RSI? Right Scale Integration?
辐射防护信息中心(美国原子能委员会的) RSIC? Radiation Shielding Information Center?
红石科学信息中心(美国) RSIC? Redstone Scientific Information Center?
资源识别表 RSID? ReSource Identification Table?
收到信号电平 RSL? Received Signal Level?
冗余服务器链路 RSL? Redundant Server Link?
寄存发送器链路 RSL? Register Sender Link?
需求说明语言 RSL? Requirement Specification Language?
需求陈述语言 RSL? Requirement Statement Language?
保留的存储单元 RSL? Reserved Storage Location?
实存管理 RSM? Real Storage Management?
接收信号存储器 RSM? Receiving Signal Memory?
可靠性仿真模型 RSM? Reliability Simulation Model?
远程服务器管理器 RSM? Remote Server Manager?
远程用户多路复用器 RSM? Remote Subscriber Multiplexer?
远程切换模块 RSM? Remote Switching Module?
即刻就办〖网语〗 RSN? Real Soon Now?
收到件序号 RSN? Receive Sequence Number?
雷达管理程序操作员 RSO? Radar Supervisor Operator?
再生器部分开销 RSOH? Regenerator Section OverHead?
路由转换处理器 RSP? Route – Switch Processor?
实存页表 RSPT? Real Storage Page Table?
重置请求 RSR? ReSet Request?
机架与堆栈翻转 RSS? Rack and Stack Switch?
随机卫星系统 RSS? Random Satellite System?
远程切换系统 RSS? Remote Switching System?
研究存储系统 RSS? Research Storage System?
重置 / 同步信号 RSS? Reset / Synchronization Signal?
资源安全系统 RSS? Resources Security System?
罗克威尔半导体系统公司(美国,RI属下,出品无线应用系统和传真设备、调制解调器等) RSS? Rockwell Semiconductor System Inc.?
路由交换子系统 RSS? Route Switching Subsystem?
皇家统计学会(英国) RSS? Royal Statistical Society?