制导校验计算机 GCC? Guidance Checkout Computer?
图形通信计算机协会 GCCA? Graphic Communications Computer Association?
共用指挥控制系统 GCCS? Global Command Control System?
综合公用目录 GCD? Global Common Directory?
图形控制扩展 GCE? Graphics Control Extension?
地面检验设备 GCE? Ground Checkout Equipment?
地面公用设备 GCE? Ground Common Equipment?
地面通信设备 GCE? Ground Communication Equipment?
地面通信设施 GCE? Ground Communication Facility?
地面控制设备 GCE? Ground Control Equipment?
吉字符,千兆字符 GCH? Giga Characters?
政府通信总部(英国) GCHQ? Government Communications HeadQuarters?
图形通信计算机协会 GCCA? Graphic Communications Computer Association?
共用指挥控制系统 GCCS? Global Command Control System?
综合公用目录 GCD? Global Common Directory?
图形控制扩展 GCE? Graphics Control Extension?
地面检验设备 GCE? Ground Checkout Equipment?
地面公用设备 GCE? Ground Common Equipment?
地面通信设备 GCE? Ground Communication Equipment?
地面通信设施 GCE? Ground Communication Facility?
地面控制设备 GCE? Ground Control Equipment?
吉字符,千兆字符 GCH? Giga Characters?
政府通信总部(英国) GCHQ? Government Communications HeadQuarters?
垃圾收集间隔 GCI? Garbage Collection Interval?
通用命令接口 GCI? General Command Interface?
通用通信接口 GCI? General Communications Interface?
地面控制拦截 GCI? Ground – Controlled Interception?
常规循环模型 GCM? General Circulation Model?
一般呼叫监视器 GCM? Generic Call Monitor?
通用连接网络 GCN? Generalized Connection Network?
地面控制的操作设备〖飞行〗 GCOE? Ground Controlled Operational Equipment?
重大挑战性问题 GCP? Grand challenge Problems?
地面控制点 GCP? Ground Control Point?
每秒千兆赫 GCPS? GigaCycles Per Second?
虚像取消参照信号 GCR? Ghost Cancellation Reference Signal?
地面控制雷达 GCR? Ground Controlled Radar?
成组编码记录 GCR? Group Coded Recording?
普通单元速率算法 GCRA? Generic Cell Rate Algorithm?
栅控开关 GCS? Gate Controlled Switch?
通用计算机系统公司 GCS? General Computer System, Inc.?
共用控制系统 GCS? Global Control System?
图形兼容性系统 GCS? Graphics Compatibility System?
地面通信系统 GCS? Ground Communication System?
群控子系统 GCS? Group Control Subsystem?
全球指挥控制系统与全球战斗支援系统 GCSS? (Global Command and Control System and the Global Combat Support System)?
全球通信卫星系统 GCSS? Global Communication Satellite System?
空军全球战斗支援系统 GCSS-AF? Global Combat Support System – Air Force?
图形通信终端 GCT? Graphics Communications Terminal?
格林威治民用时 GCT? Greenwich Civil Time?
指导计算机测试 GCT? Guidance Computer Test?
地面通信跟踪系统 GCTS? Ground Communication Tracking System?
汶鸿主板〖品牌〗 GCTTech?
门驱动器 GD? Gate Driver?