位同步发生器 BSG? Bit Sync Generator?
英国标准线规 BSG? British Standard Gauge?
双向自我修复环 B-SHR? Bi-directional Self – Healing Ring?
“老榕树”系统公司(美国,出品网络操作系统) BSI Banyan Systems Inc.?
转移与存储指令 BSI? Branch and Store Instruction?
转移或跳过条件的指令 BSI? Branch or Skip on condition Instruction?
英国标准接口 BSI? British Standard Interface?
英国标准局,英国标准协会 BSI? British Standards Institute?
“阔斧”系统公司(美国,出品笔记本电脑) BSI? Broadax System Inc.?
“小兄弟码头”公司(美国,专门出品儿童软件,世界著名娱乐光盘制造商) BSI? Broderbund Software Inc.?
英国国际目录学会 BSIB? British Society for International Bibliography?
基站标识码 BSIC? Base Station Identity Code?
英国标准线规 BSG? British Standard Gauge?
双向自我修复环 B-SHR? Bi-directional Self – Healing Ring?
“老榕树”系统公司(美国,出品网络操作系统) BSI Banyan Systems Inc.?
转移与存储指令 BSI? Branch and Store Instruction?
转移或跳过条件的指令 BSI? Branch or Skip on condition Instruction?
英国标准接口 BSI? British Standard Interface?
英国标准局,英国标准协会 BSI? British Standards Institute?
“阔斧”系统公司(美国,出品笔记本电脑) BSI? Broadax System Inc.?
“小兄弟码头”公司(美国,专门出品儿童软件,世界著名娱乐光盘制造商) BSI? Broderbund Software Inc.?
英国国际目录学会 BSIB? British Society for International Bibliography?
基站标识码 BSIC? Base Station Identity Code?
二元对称独立通道 BSIC? Binary Symmetric Independent Channel?
银行系统信息交换 BSIE? Banking Systems Information Exchange?
二进制同步接口初始化 BSIINT? Binary Synchronous Interface INiTialization?
英国空中广播公司 BSkyB? British Sky Broadcasting?
基本存储模块 BSM? Basic Storage Module?
票据业务管理 BSM? Billing Services Management?
块存储管理 BSM? Block Storage Management?
桥式存储模块 BSM? Bridge Storage Module?
反向序号 BSN? Backward Sequence Number?
反向序号收到 BSNR? Backward Sequence Number Received?
大幅面打印机 BSP? B – Size Printer?
布尔系统惯例 BSP? Bell System Practice?
宝来公司的科学处理器 BSP? Burroughs Scientific Processor?
商业系统规划 BSP? Business System Planning?
磁带退位 BSP? Magnetic Tape Backspace?
基极扩展电阻 BSR? Base Spreading Resistance?
电池节电率 BSR? Battery Saving Ratio?
英国录音协会 BSRA? British Sound Recording Association?
备用设备的位有效地址 BSRD? Bit Significant Address of Reserved Device?
布尔系统修理说明书 BSRS? Bell System Repair Specification?
基站子系统 BSS? Base Station Subsystem?
基站系统 BSS? Base Station System?
块同步信号 BSS? Block Synchronizing Signal?
英国标准规范 BSS? British Standard Specification?
卫星广播服务 BSS? Broadcasting Satellite Service?
商业系统后援 BSS? Business System Support?
基站子系统移动应用技术部分 BSSMAP? Base Station Subsystem Mobile Application Part?
基站收发器 BST? Base Station Transceiver?
宽带系列的测试系统 BSTS? Broadband Series Test System?
基准饱和电压 BSV? Base Saturation Voltage?