基本图形存取法 BGAM? Basic Graphic Access Method?
若大于或等于则分支 BGE? Branch if Greater or Equal?
巴尔通用电气公司 BGE? Bull General Electric?
边界网关协议 BGP? Border(Boundary) Gateway Protocol?
边界网关协议版本 BGPV? Border Gateway Protocol Version?
基本制图软件 BGRAF? Basic Graphics Software?
巴林(域名) bh? Bahrain?
《猎鸟一族》〖游戏名〗 BH? Bird Hunter?
块处理程序 BH? Block Handler?
忙时 BH? Busy Hour?
基准家庭自动化系统 BHAS? Base Home Automatic System?
宝来公司的医院记账系统 BHAS? Burroughs Hospital Accounting System?
若大于或等于则分支 BGE? Branch if Greater or Equal?
巴尔通用电气公司 BGE? Bull General Electric?
边界网关协议 BGP? Border(Boundary) Gateway Protocol?
边界网关协议版本 BGPV? Border Gateway Protocol Version?
基本制图软件 BGRAF? Basic Graphics Software?
巴林(域名) bh? Bahrain?
《猎鸟一族》〖游戏名〗 BH? Bird Hunter?
块处理程序 BH? Block Handler?
忙时 BH? Busy Hour?
基准家庭自动化系统 BHAS? Base Home Automatic System?
宝来公司的医院记账系统 BHAS? Burroughs Hospital Accounting System?
忙时试呼次数 BHCA? Busy Hour Call Attempts?
忙时平均呼叫次数 BHCA? Busy Hour Call Average?
宽带主机数字终端 BHDT? Broadband Host Digital Terminal?
基础高堆积层功能 BHLF? Basic High Layer Function?
数据块处理例程 BHR? Block Handling Routine?
倒推指示器 BI? Backward Indicator?
批量输入 BI? Batch Input?
“存在”公司(美国,开发多媒体操作系统) BI? Be Inc.?
记账指令 BI? Billing Instructions?
二进制数据输入 BI? Binary Input?
布隆迪(域名) bi? Burundi?
总线互连 BI? Bus Interconnect?
总线接口 BI? Bus Interface?
二进制图像代数 BIA? Binary Image Algebra?
商业信息分析与综合技术 BIAIT? Business Information Analysis and Integration Technique?
倒推指示器位 BIB? Backward Indicator Bit?
书目数据登录系统 BIBDES? Bibliographic Data Entry System?
底板互连总线 BIbus? Backplane Interconnect Bus?
电子轰击感应电导 BIC? Bombardment – Induced Conductivity?
兄弟高级公司(美国,出品打印机) BIC? Brother International Corp.?
缓冲器接口控制器 BIC? Buffer Interface Controller?
总线接口芯片 BIC? Bus Interface Chips?
总线接口电路 BIC? Bus Interface Circuit?
总线接口控制器 BIC? Bus Interface Controller?
宽带综合业务数字网运营商间互连 BICI? B-ISDN Inter – Carrier Interconnect?
宽带运营商间互连 B-ICI? Broadband Inter – Carrier Interconnect?
宽带运营商间接口 B-ICI? Broadband Inter – Carrier Interface?
双极互补金属氧化物半导体 BICMOS? Bipolar Complementary Metallic – Oxide Semiconductor?
商业信息通信 BICOM? Business Information Communication?
宝来公司的库存控制系统 BICS? Burroughs Inventory Control System?