卵石滩粗砾滩 shingle beach
船舶地球站 Ship Earth Station (SES)
造船业 shipbuilding
危险废物的装运 shipment of hazardous wastes
船厂 shipyard
浅滩沙洲 shoal
暗滩;浅滩;沙洲 shoal
鱼群 shoal
购物行为 shopping behaviour
购物中心 shopping centre
购物设施 shopping facility
商店 Shops
船舶地球站 Ship Earth Station (SES)
造船业 shipbuilding
危险废物的装运 shipment of hazardous wastes
船厂 shipyard
浅滩沙洲 shoal
暗滩;浅滩;沙洲 shoal
鱼群 shoal
购物行为 shopping behaviour
购物中心 shopping centre
购物设施 shopping facility
商店 Shops
海滨 shore
海边草地 shore meadows
海滨线 shoreline
短波 short wave
饮用水不足;缺乏饮用水 shortage of drinking water
短期天气预报 short-range weather prediction
短波辐射 short-wave radiation
短波紫外辐射 short-wave ultraviolet radiation
山肩 shoulder
阵雨 shower
骤雨阵雨 shower
簇射;阵雨;阵性降水 shower
装有撕碎机的垃圾收集汽车 shredder truck
粉碎;撕碎 shredding
灌木地 shrubland
硅铝层 sial
设计不良建筑物综合征 sick-building syndrome
副作用 side effect
药物的副作用 Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs
副反应;支反应 side reaction
机载侧视雷达 side-looking air-borne radar (SLAR)
侧视雷达 side-looking radar (SLR)
值得考虑的;显著的;重要的;有意义的 significant
值得考虑的污染风险 significant pollution risk
青贮饲料 silage
硅化作用 silication
硅 silicon
硅肺石末沉害病 silicosis
岩床 sill
谷仓草秣室 silo