燃料 heating gas
加热介质 heating medium
燃用油 heating oil
燃烧热 heating power
散热器 heating radiator
热值 heating value
加热区 heating zone
绝热管 heat-insulated pipe
热绝缘衬里 heat-insulating lining
绝热板 heat-insulating shield
无热的 heatless
热力工程 heat-power engineering
加热介质 heating medium
燃用油 heating oil
燃烧热 heating power
散热器 heating radiator
热值 heating value
加热区 heating zone
绝热管 heat-insulated pipe
热绝缘衬里 heat-insulating lining
绝热板 heat-insulating shield
无热的 heatless
热力工程 heat-power engineering
耐热的 heat-proof
耐热老化 heat-proof aging
耐热性 heatproof quality
隔热管柱 heat-proof string
耐热的 heat-resistant
耐热性 heat-resisting quality
耐热钢 heat-resisting steel
热合温度 heat-seal temperature
热敏性封隔器 heat-sensitive packer
热收缩纤维 heat-shrinkable fibre
热拉伸纤维 heat-stretched fibre
升温着色 heat-tinting
隆起 heave
升降幅度 heave amplitude
起伏 heave and set
升沉补偿 heave compensation
升沉补偿装置 heave compensator
横推断层 heave fault
升沉高度 heave height
可旋转的起重钩 heave hook
绞进 heave in
升沉运动 heave movement
逆风停船 heave to
脊状断块 heaved block
平错盘 heaved side
天 heaven
举起重物的人 heaver
重 heaviness
升沉 heaving
引缆绳 heaving line