可靠性试验 fail-test
失败 failure
故障分析 failure analysis
拒爆 failure detonation
疲劳破坏 failure due to fatigue
失效异常方式 failure exception mode
破坏机理 failure mechanism
故障信息 failure message
故障种类 failure mode
燃料系故障 failure of fuel
供油中断 failure of oil feed
未履行合同 failure of performance
失败 failure
故障分析 failure analysis
拒爆 failure detonation
疲劳破坏 failure due to fatigue
失效异常方式 failure exception mode
破坏机理 failure mechanism
故障信息 failure message
故障种类 failure mode
燃料系故障 failure of fuel
供油中断 failure of oil feed
未履行合同 failure of performance
电流的故障 failure of the current
腐蚀损坏剖面 failure plot
破裂〔失效 failure point
故障预测 failure prediction
破裂压力 failure pressure
故障率 failure rate
破坏变形 failure strain
破坏试验 failure test
故障警报 failure warning
断损区域 failure zone
无故障运行 failure-free operation
失效率平均函数 failure-rate average function
故障自动排除系统 failure-safe system
微弱的 faint
浅底片 faint negative
弱酸的 faintly acid
弱碱性反应 faintly alkaline reaction
市集 fair
中等质量 fair average quality
顺流 fair current
修正曲线 fair curve
公平交易 fair dealing
清绘 fair drafting
公平游戏 fair game
公平价格 fair price
顺潮流 fair tide
公平交易 fair trade
导流罩;整流器 fair water
导流板 fair water fin
顺风 fair wind