弹性范围 elastic range
弹性回弹理论 elastic rebound mechanism
弹性反冲 elastic recoil
弹性界限 elastic region
弹性圈 elastic ring
弹性散射 elastic scattering
弹性散射截面 elastic scattering cross-section
弹性密封 elastic seal
弹性地震能量 elastic seismic energy
弹性溶液 elastic sols
弹性稳定 elastic stability
弹性应变 elastic strain
弹性回弹理论 elastic rebound mechanism
弹性反冲 elastic recoil
弹性界限 elastic region
弹性圈 elastic ring
弹性散射 elastic scattering
弹性散射截面 elastic scattering cross-section
弹性密封 elastic seal
弹性地震能量 elastic seismic energy
弹性溶液 elastic sols
弹性稳定 elastic stability
弹性应变 elastic strain
弹性应力 elastic stress
弹性供应 elastic supply
弹性系统 elastic system
弹性张量 elastic tensor
弹性理论 elastic theory
弹性扰动 elastic turbulence
弹性振动 elastic vibration
弹粘-塑性体 elastic viscoplastic body
弹性水驱 elastic water drive
弹性波 elastic wave
弹性波全息摄影术 elastic wave holography
弹性波传播 elastic wave propagation
振弦 elastic wire
弹力 elastica
弹性各向同性 elastically isotropic
弹性剂 elasticator
弹性 elasticity
弹性系数 elasticity coefficient
弹性模量 elasticity modulus
需求弹性 elasticity of demand
能源消费弹性系数 elasticity of energy consumption
挠曲弹性 elasticity of flexure
替代弹性 elasticity of substitution
供给弹性 elasticity of supply
润滑脂弹性试验 elasticity test of grease
增韧剂 elasticizer
弹性粘度 elastico-viscosity
弹粘性的 elasticoviscous
弹粘性状态 elasticoviscous behavior
弹粘体 elastico-viscous body