冰水沉积 deckenschotter
桥面板 decking
调型器 deckle
叠名称 deckname
说明 declaration
出口报单 declaration for exportation
进口报单 declaration for importation
装船通知条款 declaration shipment clause
报关 declaration to the customs
说明语句 declarative statement
申报价值 declared value
下倾的 declinate
桥面板 decking
调型器 deckle
叠名称 deckname
说明 declaration
出口报单 declaration for exportation
进口报单 declaration for importation
装船通知条款 declaration shipment clause
报关 declaration to the customs
说明语句 declarative statement
申报价值 declared value
下倾的 declinate
倾斜 declination
倾斜角 declination angle
磁偏图 declination chart
磁偏计 declination compass
磁针 declination needle
磁偏角 declination of magnetic needle
磁偏计 declinator
斜下 decline
递减特性 decline characteristic
下降曲线 decline curve
递减系数 decline factor
递减段 decline fraction
递减曲线 decline history
递减界限 decline limit
产量递减 decline of production
递减期 decline period
下降速度 decline rate
衰退期 decline stage
递减趋势 decline trend
产量递减的井 decline well
余额递减法 declining balance method
递减速度 declining rate
转颚牙形石属 Declinognathus
磁偏仪 declinometer
向下倾斜的 declivitous
倾斜 declivity
摘开离合器 declutch
停钻 declutch the drill
能量直接变换过程 DECO
反絮凝剂 decoagulant