有效载荷装载能力 payload capability
净载货量 payload capacity
有效载荷展开和恢复系统 payload deployment and retrieval system
有效载荷容积 payload volume
有效载荷重量 payload weight
有效载荷、结构和燃料的重量比值 payload-structure-fuel weight ratio
出纳员 paymaster
支付 payment
清偿支付付款偿还付款额 Payment
付款;报酬 payment
清偿 Payment
凭单付款 payment against documents
净载货量 payload capacity
有效载荷展开和恢复系统 payload deployment and retrieval system
有效载荷容积 payload volume
有效载荷重量 payload weight
有效载荷、结构和燃料的重量比值 payload-structure-fuel weight ratio
出纳员 paymaster
支付 payment
清偿支付付款偿还付款额 Payment
付款;报酬 payment
清偿 Payment
凭单付款 payment against documents
凭汇票付款信用状 payment against draft credit
凭汇票付款信用证 payment against draft credit
凭单付款 payment against presentation of shipping documents
支付协定 payment agreement
拖欠付款 payment arrears
到期付款 payment at maturity
见票即付 payment at sight
分期付款 payment by installments
分期付款 payment by instal-ments
误付 payment by mistake of fact
依决议付款最后付款 payment by results
支付货币 Payment Currency
预支工资预付款项 payment in advance
预支工资 payment in advance
预支工资;预付款项 payment in advance
拖欠的款 payment in arrear
付现 payment in cash
船舶损害的现金支付 Payment in Cash of Ship Damage
实物支付 payment in kind
定期支付 payment in term
付款不足 payment insufficient
运费支付 payment of freight
垫付 payment on account
交货付款 payment on delivery
即期付款 payment on demand
定期付款 payment on terms
付款通知 payment order
支付方法 payment procedure
付款条件 payment terms
单到付款 payment upon arrival of shipping documents