风暴规律 law of storms
船舶国籍法 law of the flag
船籍国法律 law of the flag
船旗国法 Law of the Flag State of Ship
中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法 Law of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone
共同海损理算地法 Law of the Place of Adjustment of General Average
损害发生地法 Law of the Place of Damages
债务履行地法 Law of the Place of Performence of Debt
不动产所在地法 Law of the Place of Real Property
海洋法 law of the sea
海法学海洋法 law of the sea
海洋法海法学 law of the sea
船舶国籍法 law of the flag
船籍国法律 law of the flag
船旗国法 Law of the Flag State of Ship
中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法 Law of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone
共同海损理算地法 Law of the Place of Adjustment of General Average
损害发生地法 Law of the Place of Damages
债务履行地法 Law of the Place of Performence of Debt
不动产所在地法 Law of the Place of Real Property
海洋法 law of the sea
海法学海洋法 law of the sea
海洋法海法学 law of the sea
海上交通安全法韩 Law of Tnaffic safetyaysga
万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation
中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法 Law on the Foreign Economic Contract of the Peoples Republic of China
中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法 Law on the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities of the P.C.C.
违法者 law-breaker
法院 law-court
法定的 lawful
合法的 lawful
合法货物 Lawful merchandise
合法商品 lawful merchandise
合法商品合法货物 lawful merchandise
合法贸易 lawful trade
无法律的违法的 lawless
造法性条约 Lawmaking Treaty
汉萨镇法 Laws of Hanse Towns
力学相似定律 laws of mechanical similitude
奥利伦法(西欧最先通用的国际海上法 laws of Oleron
战争法规 Laws of Warfare
诉讼 lawsuit
律师 lawyer
律师代理 Lawyer Acting as Agent
中华人民共和国律师制度 Lawyer System of the People‘s Republic of China
律师见证 Lawyer Witness
层位置搓合方式圈距敷设 lay
层 lay
安放;搓绳;索股纹路 lay
定航向 lay a course
使船后退 lay aback
靠近 lay aboard
到船尾就位 lay aft