热渗透 heat leakage
放热 heat liberation
热闪 heat lightning
热负载 heat load
热负荷 heat load
热耗 heat loss
热损失 heat loss
机械不完全燃烧热损失 heat loss due to combustibles in refuse
排烟热损失 heat loss due to exhaust gas
负载热耗 heat loss due to load
散热损失 heat loss due to radiation
化学不完全燃烧热损失 heat loss due to unburned gas
放热 heat liberation
热闪 heat lightning
热负载 heat load
热负荷 heat load
热耗 heat loss
热损失 heat loss
机械不完全燃烧热损失 heat loss due to combustibles in refuse
排烟热损失 heat loss due to exhaust gas
负载热耗 heat loss due to load
散热损失 heat loss due to radiation
化学不完全燃烧热损失 heat loss due to unburned gas
排盐热损失 heat lost by brine
蒸馏水热损失 heat lost by distillate
散热损失 heat lost by radiation
逸气热损失 heat lost by vent vapour
热电偶温度计 heat meter
热运动 heat motion
热运动 heat movement
化合热 heat of combination
燃烧热 heat of combustion
压缩热 heat of compression
冷凝热 heat of condensation
冷凝热量) heat of condensation
凝结热 heat of condensation
蒸发热 heat of evaporation
凝固热 heat of freezing
融化热 heat of fusion
熔化热 heat of fusion
电离热 heat of ionization
液化热 heat of liquefaction
液体热 heat of liquid
反应热 heat of reaction
溶解热 heat of solution
再冷却热 heat of subcooling
升华热 heat of sublimation
蒸发热 heat of vaporization
汽化热 heat of vaporization
湿化热 heat of wetting
燃烧热量 heat output
反应堆热功率 heat output of reactor
导热性 heat permeability