压头排量曲线 head capacity curve
船首厕所排泄筒 head chute
逆流 head current
端面 head face
船首缆 head fast
船首缆;头缆 head fast
首系缆 head fast
首部装饰 head figure
压力流量表 head flowmeter
朝着 head for
朝着;船向某地航行 head for
驶向 head for
船首厕所排泄筒 head chute
逆流 head current
端面 head face
船首缆 head fast
船首缆;头缆 head fast
首系缆 head fast
首部装饰 head figure
压力流量表 head flowmeter
朝着 head for
朝着;船向某地航行 head for
驶向 head for
气缸垫 head gasket
汽缸垫 head gasket
运河水闸门 head gate
运河头闸 head gate
船首帆缆装置 head gear
舱口端围槛 head ledge
舱口横围板 head ledge
前桅灯 head light
船首灯 head light
首缆 head line
首帆索 head line
头缆 head line
首锚驳 head line barge
顶沿贴边 head lining
上闸 head lock
首部防撞木 head log
落差损失 head loss
压头损失 head loss
船首标志 head marker
前桅 head mast
压头表 head meter
首部系船设施 head mooring
锚冠 head of an anchor
部门长 head of department
坞首 head of dock
肋板端 head of floor
燃油压头 head of oil fuel
客运主任 Head of Passenger Transport
压头 head of pressure
水头 head of water