首斜桁撑杆拉索 gob line
首斜桁撑杆拉索 gob rope
仓库 godown
是远东地区专用语godown 仓库 godown
仓库仓库 godown
仓库收据 godown receipt
仓库险 godown risk
仓库理货员 godown tally
仓库保证书 godown warrant
仓单 godown warrant
仓库管理员 godown watcher
管库员 godown-keeper
首斜桁撑杆拉索 gob rope
仓库 godown
是远东地区专用语godown 仓库 godown
仓库仓库 godown
仓库收据 godown receipt
仓库险 godown risk
仓库理货员 godown tally
仓库保证书 godown warrant
仓单 godown warrant
仓库管理员 godown watcher
管库员 godown-keeper
过端量规 go-gauge
护目镜 goggles
应急备用的 go-home
走 going
靠泊 going alongside
顶流靠码头 going alongside against the current
顶流靠泊 going alongside against the tide
嵌档靠码头 going alongside between berthed ships
无风流靠泊 going alongside in calm weather
无风流靠泊 going alongside in calm? weather
船首扫冰靠码头 going alongside removing the ice with ship‘s bow
靠陡岸 going alongside the steep shore
抛锚驶靠 going alongside with an anchor down
大角度驶靠 going alongside with large angle
无风无流靠码头 going alongside with no wind and current
吹开风靠码头 going alongside with offshore wind
小角度驶靠 going alongside with small angle
顺流靠码头 going alongside with the current
顺流靠泊 going alongside with the tide
吹拢风靠码头 going aongside with onshore wind
顺风驶帆 going free
湖 gol
红外线指示器 Golay cell
黄金 gold
金 gold
金锑极 gold -antimony electrode
金券 gold bond
黄金条款 Gold Clause
含金量 Gold Content
采金船 gold dredger