底板 foundation plate
底极 foundation plate
基座板 foundation plate
底圈 foundation ring
创立人沉没倒塌 founder
创立人;沉没;倒塌 founder
发起人 Founder
发起人铸工 Founder
铸工 founder
艏沉没 founder by the head
俯首沉没 founder head down
正在沉没的船 foundering ship
底极 foundation plate
基座板 foundation plate
底圈 foundation ring
创立人沉没倒塌 founder
创立人;沉没;倒塌 founder
发起人 Founder
发起人铸工 Founder
铸工 founder
艏沉没 founder by the head
俯首沉没 founder head down
正在沉没的船 foundering ship
铸造 founding
铸造厂 foundry
铸造用生铁 foundry pig iron
铸造砂铸造型砂 foundry sand
铸造型砂 foundry sand
铸造用砂 foundry sand
铸造车间 foundry shop
喷水器中心注管饮水喷头 fountain
四地址码 four address code
四则运算 four arithmetic operations
四臂系船设施 four arm mooring
四向系泊 four arm mooring
四小证 Four Certificates of the Crew
四维空间 four dimensional space
四眼联结板 four eyed joining piece
四饼滑车 four fold block
四 four num.
四联公式 four parts formula
四点方位四点方位法 four point bearing
四点方位;四点方位法 four point bearing
四点吊吊具 four point suspension spreader
四股绳 four strand rope
四股编绳法 four strand round sennit
四股绳 four stranded rope
四冲程 four stroke
四通旋塞 four way cock
四滑道下水 four way launching
四通阀 four way valve
中点接地四线制 four wire earthed neutral system
四线制增音器 four wire repeater