光吸收线 light absorption line
光敏开关 light actiated swicth? (LAS)
光激可控硅整流器 light activated SCR
光适应 light adapation
光适应 light adaptation
光老化,光阵化,光时效 light aging
激光(2)激光器 light amplifiction by stimulated emssion of radiation (1)
光增强器 light amplifier
光振幅 light amplitude
光振幅调制 light amplitude modulation
光检偏器 Light analyze
光孔径 light aperture
光敏开关 light actiated swicth? (LAS)
光激可控硅整流器 light activated SCR
光适应 light adapation
光适应 light adaptation
光老化,光阵化,光时效 light aging
激光(2)激光器 light amplifiction by stimulated emssion of radiation (1)
光增强器 light amplifier
光振幅 light amplitude
光振幅调制 light amplitude modulation
光检偏器 Light analyze
光孔径 light aperture
光衷减器 light attenuator
中性滤光片,消衡滤色器 light balancing filter
平衡滤光器 Light balancing filterr
轻钡冕玻璃 light barium crown
轻钡火石玻璃 light barium flint
光势垒 light barrier
光信标系统 light beacon system
光束 light beam
光束瞄准 light beam acquirlig
光束致偏器 light beam deflector
光束传播误差 light beam propagation error
光束电话 light beam telephone
光束分光镜 light beamsplitter
光拍 light beat
光拍斗形接收器 light beating bucket veceiver
光拍聚集率 light beating gathering power
灯泡-透镜组合 light bulb-lens combinatino
光按钮 light buttion
光载波 light carrier
光特性曲线 light characteristic
光凝结器 light coagulator
彩色光 light colored
光开关电路 light communtation circuit
光锥 light cone
光截面法,光切断法 light cross-section method
亮暗适应 light dark adaption
光偏转 light deflection
光偏转器 light deflector
光探测 light detection
激光雷达 light detection and ranging