点阵空位 lattice vacancy
点阵振动 lattice vibration
点阵振动光谱 lattice vibrational spectrum
点阵波 lattice wave
劳型 Laue camera
劳厄衍射 Laue diffraction
劳厄衍射方程 Laue diffraction equation
劳厄衍射图样 Laue diffraction pattern
劳厄干涉 Laue interference
劳厄法 Laue method
劳厄照相 Laue phtograph
劳厄点 Laue point
点阵振动 lattice vibration
点阵振动光谱 lattice vibrational spectrum
点阵波 lattice wave
劳型 Laue camera
劳厄衍射 Laue diffraction
劳厄衍射方程 Laue diffraction equation
劳厄衍射图样 Laue diffraction pattern
劳厄干涉 Laue interference
劳厄法 Laue method
劳厄照相 Laue phtograph
劳厄点 Laue point
劳厄斑 Laue spot
劳劳厄对称 Laue symmetry
劳厄条件 Laue‘s conditions
劳厄方程 Laue‘s equation
发动,起动(2)激发,激励 launch (1)
发射角 Launch angle
发射逃逸系统 launch escape system
发射数值孔径 Launch numerical aperture (LNA)
发射装置,起动装置 launcher
发射特性 launching charcteristic
发射纤维 Launching fiber
洛冉半影片 Laurent half shade plate
劳朗偏振计 Laurent polarimeter
拉瓦尔喷嘴 Laval nozzle
左旋 lavevorotaion
朗伯(吸收)定律 law
定律(2)规律 law (1)
比耳定律 law of Beer
布儒斯特定律 law of Brewster
误差合成定律 law of combination of errors
极端光程定律 law of extreme path
光电律 law of photoelectricity
倒易律,反比律 law of reciprocity
反射定径 law of reflection
折射定径 law of refraction
斯乃耳折射律 Law of refraction, snell‘s law
可逆律 Law of reversibility
劳逊判据 Lawson criteria
劳生判据 Lawson criterion
层,涂层 layer