惯性定律 law of inertia?
质量酌定律 law of mass action?
动量矩定律 law of moment of momentum?
运动律 law of motion?
共存相定律 law of mutuality of phases?
反射定律 law of reflection?
湍凌力定律 law of resistance for turbulent flow?
切应力定律 law of shearing stress?
相似变换定律 law of similarity transformation?
压力传递定律 law of the transmissibility of pressure?
壁定律 law of the wall?
热平衡定律 law of thermal equilibrium?
质量酌定律 law of mass action?
动量矩定律 law of moment of momentum?
运动律 law of motion?
共存相定律 law of mutuality of phases?
反射定律 law of reflection?
湍凌力定律 law of resistance for turbulent flow?
切应力定律 law of shearing stress?
相似变换定律 law of similarity transformation?
压力传递定律 law of the transmissibility of pressure?
壁定律 law of the wall?
热平衡定律 law of thermal equilibrium?
热力学定律 law of thermodynamics?
切应力定律 law of torsion stress?
万有引力定律 law of universal gravitation?
速度加法定律 law of velocity addition?
涡动定律 law of vortex motion?
法则 law?
分层 layer division?
液层 layer of fluid?
层厚度 layer thickness?
层 layer?
勒夏特利原理 le chatelier‘s principle?
浸出 leaching?
超前角 lead angle?
前缘涡流 leading edge vortex?
前缘 leading edge?
金属薄片 leaf metal?
板弹簧 leaf spring?
漏泄 leak?
漏损 leakage loss?
漏泄 leakage?
稀混合气 lean mixture?
跳跃距离 leap distance?
跳跃 leap?
最小酌原理 least action principle?
最小阻抗线 least line of resistance?
最小二乘逼近 least square approximation?
最小二乘法 least square method?
最小功 least work?
下风涡 lee side vortex?
背风波动方程 lee wave equation?