热量与物料平衡 heat and material balance?
热平衡 heat balance?
热障 heat barrier?
热量计算 heat calculation?
热容量 heat capacity?
载热体 heat carrier?
热传导方程 heat conduction equation?
热传导 heat conduction?
热导率 heat conductivity?
导热体 heat conductor?
热函 heat content?
热对流 heat convection?
热平衡 heat balance?
热障 heat barrier?
热量计算 heat calculation?
热容量 heat capacity?
载热体 heat carrier?
热传导方程 heat conduction equation?
热传导 heat conduction?
热导率 heat conductivity?
导热体 heat conductor?
热函 heat content?
热对流 heat convection?
热裂纹 heat cracking?
热变形 heat distortion?
热分布 heat distribution?
热效应 heat effect?
放热系数 heat emission coefficient?
热发射 heat emission?
热能 heat energy?
热机 heat engine?
热平衡 heat equilibrium?
热功当量 heat equivalent of work?
热交换 heat exchange?
热膨胀 heat expansion?
热淋度 heat flow density?
热撂图 heat flow diagram?
热疗 heat flow meter?
热临率 heat flow rate?
热另论 heat flow theory?
热流 heat flow?
热怜数 heat flux function?
热粮量 heat flux vector?
热流 heat flux?
热梯度 heat gradient?
热指数 heat index?
热绝缘 heat insulation?
绝热体 heat insulator?
热线 heat line?
热负载 heat load?
热损失 heat loss?
压缩热 heat of compression?
蒸发热 heat of evaporation?