焓 enthalpy?
卷入 entrainment?
进口损失 entrance loss?
进口压力 entrance pressure?
进口速度 entrance velocity?
熵效率 entropic efficiency?
熵波 entropic wave?
熵平衡方程 entropy balance equation?
熵弹性 entropy elasticity?
熵方程 entropy equation?
熵流 entropy flow?
熵增加 entropy increase?
卷入 entrainment?
进口损失 entrance loss?
进口压力 entrance pressure?
进口速度 entrance velocity?
熵效率 entropic efficiency?
熵波 entropic wave?
熵平衡方程 entropy balance equation?
熵弹性 entropy elasticity?
熵方程 entropy equation?
熵流 entropy flow?
熵增加 entropy increase?
熵不等式 entropy inequality?
熵层 entropy layer?
汽化熵 entropy of evaporation?
形成熵 entropy of formation?
熔融熵 entropy of melting?
混合熵 entropy of mixing?
熵波 entropy wave?
熵 entropy?
包络面 envelope surface?
包络速度 envelope velocity?
周围温度 environment temperature?
环境 environment?
环境空气动力学 environmental aerodynamics?
环境条件 environmental conditions?
震中 epicenter?
外摆线运动 epicycloidal motion?
等臂杠杆 equal armed lever?
等能源 equal energy source?
浓度均衡 equalization of concentration?
位势均衡 equalization of potential?
均衡 equalization?
均匀分布的 equally distributed?
均衡 equating?
协到程 equation of compatibility?
连续性原理 equation of continuity?
平衡方程 equation of equilibrium?
五力矩方程 equation of five moments?
热平衡方程 equation of heat balance?
铃动力学方程 equation of hydrodynamics?
铃静力学方程 equation of hydrostatics?