变形范围 deformation band?
形变偏量 deformation deviator?
形变效应 deformation effect?
形变能量密度 deformation energy density?
变形能 deformation energy?
变形方程 deformation equation?
变形梯度 deformation gradient?
形变假说 deformation hypothesis?
形变损耗 deformation loss?
形变矩阵 deformation matrix?
应变量度 deformation measure?
变形法 deformation method?
形变偏量 deformation deviator?
形变效应 deformation effect?
形变能量密度 deformation energy density?
变形能 deformation energy?
变形方程 deformation equation?
变形梯度 deformation gradient?
形变假说 deformation hypothesis?
形变损耗 deformation loss?
形变矩阵 deformation matrix?
应变量度 deformation measure?
变形法 deformation method?
对镣形变 deformation of convective type?
介质变形 deformation of media?
形变参数 deformation parameter?
形变周期 deformation period?
形变势 deformation potential?
变形速率张量 deformation rate tensor?
应变率 deformation rate?
应变弛豫 deformation relaxation?
抗变形性 deformation resistance?
形变张量不变量 deformation tensor invariant?
形变张量 deformation tensor?
变形试验 deformation test?
形变织构 deformation texture?
形变矢量 deformation vector?
变形速度 deformation velocity?
形变振动 deformation vibration?
形变功 deformation work?
形变 deformation?
变形行为 deformational behavior?
变形钢筋 deformed bar?
变形力 deforming force?
依穴去气 degassing by cavitation?
退化 degeneration?
能量衰减 degradation of energy?
华氏温度 degree fahrenheit?
开氏温度 degree kelvin?
准确度 degree of accuracy?
固结度 degree of consolidation?
形变率 degree of deformation?
分散度 degree of dispersion?