临界力 crippling force?
纵弯曲载荷 crippling load?
折曲应力 crippling resilience?
阻力危机 crisis of drag?
判据方程 criterial equation?
相似判据 criterion of similarity?
准则 criterion?
临界迎角 critical angle of attack?
临界角 critical angle?
临界压缩应力 critical compressive stress?
临界条件 critical condition?
临界冷却速率 critical cooling rate?
纵弯曲载荷 crippling load?
折曲应力 crippling resilience?
阻力危机 crisis of drag?
判据方程 criterial equation?
相似判据 criterion of similarity?
准则 criterion?
临界迎角 critical angle of attack?
临界角 critical angle?
临界压缩应力 critical compressive stress?
临界条件 critical condition?
临界冷却速率 critical cooling rate?
临界耦合 critical coupling?
临界裂缝 critical crack?
临界阻尼 critical damping?
临界参数 critical datum?
临界缺陷 critical defect?
临界密度 critical density?
临界深度 critical depth?
临界直径 critical diameter?
临界尺寸 critical dimension?
临界量 critical discharge?
临界距离 critical distance?
临界爆炸压力 critical explosion pressure?
临界指数 critical exponents?
临界力 critical force?
自由气临界马赫数 critical free stream mach number?
临界频率 critical frequency?
临界滑移 critical glide?
临界热通量 critical heat flux?
临界湿度 critical humidity?
临界等温线 critical isotherm?
临界长度 critical length?
欧拉临界负载 critical load of euler?
临界载荷 critical load?
临界马赫数 critical mach number?
临界质量 critical mass?
临界力矩 critical moment?
临界转数 critical number of revolution?
临界乳光 critical opalescence?
临界参数 critical parameter?
临界现象 critical phenomena?