超复 overlap
重叠蝶器 overlap control
重叠指示器 overlap indicator
带重迭 overlap of strips
重叠区域 overlap region
重叠控制器 overlap regulator
重叠率 overlapping coefficient
超载 overload
过负荷河 overloaded river
表层沉积 overlying deposit
覆盖岩石 overlying rock
表层 overlying strata
重叠蝶器 overlap control
重叠指示器 overlap indicator
带重迭 overlap of strips
重叠区域 overlap region
重叠控制器 overlap regulator
重叠率 overlapping coefficient
超载 overload
过负荷河 overloaded river
表层沉积 overlying deposit
覆盖岩石 overlying rock
表层 overlying strata
加印 overprint
过饱和岩 oversaturated rock
过度放牧 overstocking
上冲断层 overthrust
掩冲体 overthrust block
逆断层面 overthrust plane
高层信风 overtrade wind
倒转背斜 overturned anticline
倒转地层 overturned bedding
倒转褶皱 overturned fold
倒转层序 overturned succession of strata
草酸盐 oxalate
型河床 oxbow
牛轭湖 oxbow lake
氧化层 oxic horizon
可氧化性 oxidability
氧化剂 oxidant
氧化酶 oxidase
氧化电势 oxidation potential
氧化还原循环 oxidation reduction cycle
氧化还原电位 oxidation reduction potential
氧化还原系 oxidation reduction system
氧化态 oxidation state
氧化发酵 oxidative fermentation
氧化磷酸化 oxidative phosphorylation
氧化物 oxide
氧化带 oxidized zone
氧化酶 oxidizing enzyme
氧化还原障 oxidizing reducing barrier
氧化还原酶 oxidoreductase