直径 diameter
粒径 diameter of particles
金刚石矿床 diamond deposit
透萌 diaphaneity
膈膜 diaphragm
退化变质酌 diaphthoresis
透谬片 diapositive
投影仪 diascope
硬水铝石 diaspore
硬水铝石 diasporite
沉积暂停期 diastem
构造性海面升降运动 diastrophic eustatism
粒径 diameter of particles
金刚石矿床 diamond deposit
透萌 diaphaneity
膈膜 diaphragm
退化变质酌 diaphthoresis
透谬片 diapositive
投影仪 diascope
硬水铝石 diaspore
硬水铝石 diasporite
沉积暂停期 diastem
构造性海面升降运动 diastrophic eustatism
地壳变动 diastrophism
硅藻软泥 diatom ooze
硅藻土 diatomaceous earth
硅藻土 diatomite
硅藻类 diatoms
火山道 diatrema
重氮纸 diazo paper
重氮晒图 diazo print
重氮复印机 diazo printing equipment
动光源重氮复印机 diazo printing equipment with a moving light source
穴播 dibbling
滴滴涕 dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane
迪凯石 dickite
双子叶植物类 dicotyledons
区别 difference
差信道 difference channel
时差 difference of time
畸变差值 differential distortion
分异侵蚀 differential erosion
压差 differential pressure
不均匀沉降 differential settlement
区别种 differential species
差异风化 differential weathering
分化 differentiation
发生层异化 differentiation of horizon
景观分异 differentiation of landscapes
衍射 diffraction
衍射条纹 diffraction fringe
衍射光栅 diffraction grating
衍射传播 diffraction propagation