凝聚 condensation
凝结核 condensation nucleus
冷凝说 condensation theory
冷凝水 condensation water
聚光器 condensator
聚光器 condenser
条件式 condition expression
相似条件 condition of similarity
条件分布 conditional distribution
条件反射 conditioned reflex
生存条件 conditions of existence
传导组织 conductive tissue
凝结核 condensation nucleus
冷凝说 condensation theory
冷凝水 condensation water
聚光器 condensator
聚光器 condenser
条件式 condition expression
相似条件 condition of similarity
条件分布 conditional distribution
条件反射 conditioned reflex
生存条件 conditions of existence
传导组织 conductive tissue
电导率 conductivity
电导测定法 conductometry
叠锥构造 cone in cone structure
锥形喀斯特 cone karst
下降漏斗 cone of influence
置信度 confidence coefficient
置信区间 confidence interval
置信限 confidence limit
山脉略图 configuration map
构型能 configurational energy
承压含水层 confined aquifer
承压流 confined flow
承压地下水 confined ground water
受压水 confined water
不透水层 confining bed
不透水层 confining layer
不透水层 confining stratum
汇零 confluence
汇铃积扇 confluent fan
保角映射 conformal mapping
正形投影 conformal projection
同源岩 congenetic rock
砾岩 conglomerate
粒状结构 congregated grain structure
白色粗霞岩 congressite
一致 congruence
等距圆锥投影 conical equdistant projection
正形圆锥投影 conical orthomorphic projection
圆锥投影 conical projection
锥形快门 conical shutter