地上部分 overground part?上向梯段回采工祖 overhand stope
上向梯段回采工祖 overhand stope?
表面径流 overland flow
表面径流 overland flow?
地表径流 overland runoff
地表径流 overland runoff?
超复 overlap
超复圈闭 overlap trap
超复圈闭 overlap trap?
超复 overlap?
覆层 overlying strata
煤系盖层 overlying strata of coal measures
煤系盖层 overlying strata of coal measures?
覆层 overlying strata?
过压 overpressure
过压 overpressure?
上冲板块 overriding plate
上冲板块 overriding plate?
过饱和岩 oversaturated rock
过饱和岩 oversaturated rock?
筛上产品 oversize product
筛上产品 oversize product?
筛上产品 oversize?
逆掩断层 overthrust
掩冲体 overthrust block
掩冲体 overthrust block?
掩冲体 overthrust mass?
逆掩断层面 overthrust plane
逆掩断层面 overthrust plane?
逆掩层 overthrust sheet
逆掩层 overthrust sheet?
逆掩断层 overthrust?
上冲板块 overthrusting plate?
倒转 overturn?
倒转背斜 overturned anticline
倒转背斜 overturned anticline?
倒转褶皱 overturned fold?
倒转层序 overturned succession of strata
倒转层序 overturned succession of strata?
倒转 overturning?
胚珠 ovule